

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Lesson 2: Singapore's Culture

I chose this picture to represent Singapore’s culture because there are 4 teenagers wearing their respective traditional costumes, all of different races: Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasian. These are the main ethnic groups in Singapore, and them holding hands represents our invisible Singapore spirit. Since Independence in 1965, Singaporeans have overcome their racial differences and identified with Singapore society in one generation, thus very successful in building a strong, peaceful and prosperous nation. This is what makes me so proud to be a Singaporean, as there are no race, religion, language or background barrier. There is no racism, and we do not discriminate people who are different from us. Furthermore, the picture with puffy white clouds and sky blue backdrop represents the sky, where the dreams of Singaporeans are joint by the connection of hands. Though the skin tones are obvious, it does not stop them from living in harmony or helping each other pursue their dreams. Together, let us soar to greater heights. Together, let us make Singapore a better and more united home for all.

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